

Compass‘ approach recognizes our clients as the experts in their industry. Our practitioners work collaboratively with all levels of the client organization using methods in facilitation, training, teambuilding, and coaching as well as the following disciplines to help our clients collectively envision their desired future and align around and take action on the strategies to achieve these outcomes.


Appreciative Inquiry

We help you focus on designing an ideal future based on what’s possible and organizational, team, and individual strengths as opposed to getting stuck in the past and what’s wrong.

Adaptive Leadership

We help you focus on creating shared vision for the change based in your organization’s unique values while allowing flexibility for the how to be determined and adapted through experimentation and piloting by the individuals on the ground.

Leading Effective Change through Transformational Engagement

Always bringing a long-term outcome-based perspective to our work, our approach focuses on engaging as many unique stakeholders as possible in the development of the change strategy to ensure capture of unique and shared experience, expertise, and passion thus creating buy-in, ownership, and energy to maximize implementation and accelerate change.


Sustaining the momentum of the planning phase into implementation, we use an agile approach to enable leaders and staff to turn story and strategy into clear initiatives – breaking these efforts into achievable chunks that ensure quick wins, steady iterative progress, and achievement of the vision and new way of working (not a nice glossy plan that sits on a shelf.)

Neuroleadership & Coaching

We understand how the human brain is wired to resist change and how to create feelings of safety and openness to counteract this. As certified coaches, we understand the importance of balancing the organizational change with the need for individual behavioral shifts and formation of new habits. We work to position leadership throughout the effort to champion the vision and embody the new behaviors. We also support middle management as the lynchpin stakeholders in any transformational change effort to walk the talk while equipping them to coach their own staff through the change.
Coaching Approach

We are always learning and keeping our finger on the pulse of the latest groundbreaking research and resources in the field and bring our learning to our clients.

Learn more about our coaching approach.

training session


At Compass, we believe that authenticity and meeting the client where they are is foundational to success. We know that together we will co-create the best solution that will live on past our engagement. Here’s our promise for how we can help you evolve and navigate change. 


We focus on getting the right people in the room to have the right conversations to create truly transformational moments.


We help you build momentum in your organization and ignite positive energy.


We tap into your organization’s soul and capitalize on what makes your culture unique and attractive to talent.


We help you tap into individuals’ strengths and harness their natural creative energy to take risks to drive innovation and necessary evolution.


We build your organization’s capacity to drive change, align processes and performance with strategic direction, and engage people effectively to deliver the results they are capable of. 


We help you remove bureaucracy and free yourselves and your people from a feeling of powerlessness. We help you derive full value from your people by giving them a voice and the authority and skills to make decisions they feel necessary.


We raise your leadership, managers, and staff out of the tactical into the strategic and ensure a balance of the two in your regular operation.


We build a working comfort with direct and honest communication by building simple mechanisms and behaviors into your everyday process. 


We balance the being and the doing, building a foundation of trust and positive working relationships to accelerate achievement of your desired impact.


We support individual self-awareness and growth to achieve their full potential and fulfillment.